Lodeh Labu Siam

a. 1 piece Labu Siam
b. 1 piece of tempeh
c. 1/2 packs of milk powder
d. 2 cloves of garlic
e. 3 spring onions
f. 15 pieces of cayenne pepper
g. Laos
h. Salam leaves, I do not wear
i. Salt 

j. 500 ml water

How To Make :
1. Prepare materials
2. Pumpkin Siam: split into 2, circled between the two parts to come out sap. Wash and peel. Cut into pieces.
* Tempe: Cut
* Chili: Wash, cut crosswise
* Onions: Peel, wash and thinly sliced
* Garlic: Peel, wash and thinly sliced
* Laos: Wash, geprek
3. Saute onion, garlic, greeting laos, chilli
4. Add squash and tempeh.
5. Add water and milk powder.
6. Wait until the squash is tender. Add salt. Stir. Icipi taste.
7. Serve warm with rice and fried tempeh, tofu, fish

good luck , recipes from the archipelago .... kaosawanda@gmail.com ... email me ok ...